Dr Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius
Birkbeck, University of London
Thursday 30 June, 7pm
£5/3 conc.
Dr. Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius will deliver a presentation on the work and art historical references of exhibiting artist Jakub Julian Ziolkowski. Katarzyna is currently a Sessional Lecturer in History of Art in the Department of History of Art and Screen Media at Birkbeck. Before her arrival in the UK in 1993, she was Curator of Italian Paintings at The National Museum in Warsaw and in 2009 she was appointed Deputy Director of this museum.
Her research interests range from the painting of the Italian Baroque to the arts of Socialist Realism, the relationship between British and Polish art and artists, and to methods in art history and visual culture. Her current research, supported by the Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship focuses on the visual construction of Eastern Europe, represented in twentieth-century British cartoons and maps. She is one of the founder editors of Blok: The International Journal of Stalinist and Post-Stalinist Culture (2002 – ). Her book, edited with Natalia Zarzecka, which examines the reception of the artist and performer Tadeusz Kantor in the UK, has been just published by Black Dog.
Image: Jakub Julian Ziolkowski