The Politics of Visibility: Mediating the Global, Local and the In-between
A collaboration between Parasol unit and City University London
Friday 4 November, 9:15am – 5pm
£15/7.50 conc.
This one-day conference brings together artists and academics to examine the relationship between art, media, transnationalism and power. The work of Yang Fudong is the conference’s starting point, and will be explored in a keynote by Professor Chris Berry (Goldsmiths). Other speakers include: Philip Crang (Royal Holloway), Marianne Franklin (Goldsmiths), Anthony Gardner (Courtauld Institute of Art/University of Melbourne), Rachel Garfield (University of Kent), Janet Harbord (Queen Mary), Alan Ingram (University College London), Turner-prize nominee Isaac Julien, Shani Orgad (London School of Economics) and Juliet Steyn (City University London).