Reasons for Love
A talk by Peter Goldie, University of Manchester
Thursday 12 May, 7pm
£5/3 conc.
When it comes to romantic love, why do we love another person? To give reasons why we love that person seems somehow back to front; surely the love comes first and the reasons later—if at all. But perhaps there could be reasons for love, if we learn from the myth of Aristophanes….
Peter Goldie is The Samuel Hall Professor of Philosophy at The University of Manchester, having previously taught at King’s College London and Magdalen College Oxford. His main philosophical interests are in the philosophy of mind, ethics and aesthetics, and particularly in questions concerning value and how the mind engages with value. He is the author of The Emotions: A Philosophical Exploration (OUP 2000), and On Personality (Routledge, 2004), and co-author of Who’s Afraid of Conceptual Art? (Routledge 2010). He is currently writing a book on narrative and the self.
Image: Parasol unit