Poetry reading

Poetry reading

Poetry reading

Vincent Katz and Tim Atkins

Tuesday 25 October, 7pm

Vincent Katz is a poet, art critic, translator and editor. He is the author of eight books of poetry. His most recent publication is his translation from the Latin of The Complete Elegies of Sextus Propertius, 2004. He is the editor of the poetry and arts journal Vanitas and of Libellum books. Katz also writes frequently on contemporary art and has curated several exhibitions, including Black Mountain College: Experiment in Art. He lives in New York.


Tim Atkins has published several books and chapbooks as well as contributing to journals and anthologies such as FOIL: An Anthology of New British Writing (2000). He is also a creative writing teacher and designer and co-editor of the on-line poetics journal onedit.net. Atkins has taught in Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, and New York but now lives and works in his native London.