Gallery talk
Michael Glover & Ernesto Priego
Tuesday 5 June, 7pm
£5/3 conc.
Michael Glover has written art criticism for The Economist, the Independent, and The Financial Times, among others. He is the author of several books and chapbooks of poetry, including Amidst All This Debris (2001) and The Bead-Eyed Man (2000), both from Dagger Press, and Impossible Horizons (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995). Of his new book, For the Sheer Hell of Living, to be published this year by San Marco Press, John Ashbery writes, “Michael Glover’s lines unspool gravely and efficiently with few commas like waves that know they are on the way to someplace but without making much fuss about it. They can be piercingly sad and hilariously wry, sometimes at the same time, as: ‘Someone loses the midge swat./ Many glasses are raised.’—this from a poem called ‘Few things happen.’ Few things happen here, true, but those that do are tremendously important even when tiny.”
Ernesto Priego is a Mexican poet, essayist, and translator presently living in London. He is the author of Not Even Dogs (Meritage Press, 2006) as well as the blogs “Never Neutral” (http://neverneutral.wordpress.com/) and “The Jainakú Project” (http://thejainakuproject.blogspot.com/). A recent interview with him can be found on Tom Beckett’s blog “E-X-C-H-A-N-G-E-V-A-L-U-E-S” (http://willtoexchange.blogspot.com/).