Losing Control: The Role of Chance
by Lee Mackinnon
Wednesday 4 March, 7pm
£8/6 conc.
In this lecture, Freudian and Lacanian theorist Lee Mackinnon will look at the relationship between psychoanalytic theory and the use of accident in Katy Moran’s creative process. Chance is currently a well-discussed topic in psychoanalytic theory, offering us an opportunity to discuss the way some artists access material from the subconscious or unconscious mind as part of their practice.
Lee Mackinnon is a writer, artist and senior lecturer, working in the fields of media technology and fine art. Her research explores systems of logic and power that characterise media technologies, and the novel forms of politics and subjectivity brought about by new technological configurations.
Image: Katy Moran, Jungle Mama, 2012. Collection of Jennifer and David Stockman.