Gallery talk
First Thursdays gallery talks
with Ziba Ardalan, Maxa Zoller, and Grayson Perry
Thursday 4 October, 1 November, and 6 December, 7pm
£5/3 conc.
First Thursdays are late night art and events in East London. On the First Thursday of each month the institutions and commercial galleries of East End remain open until 9 p.m. Parasol unit invites artists, critics and curators to give First Thursdays guided tours of current exhibitions.
4 October: Introduction to the Yutaka Sone exhibition by Parasol unit director, Ziba de Weck
1 November: Maxa Zoller, independent film curator and critic gave an informal walk through the Yutaka Sone exhibition.
6 December: Grayson Perry gave a tour in response to the Yutaka Sone exhibition.