London book launch of ‘Bio’

Artist Talk + Book Launch

London book launch of ‘Bio’

Maryam Monalisa Gharavi in conversation with Erica Scourti

Tuesday 27 November, 6:30-8 pm

Artist Talk
The Artist’s Cancelled Text x Social Media in the 21st Century

Launching the new publication Bio
Copies of Bio available for purchase + signing

Drinks and light refreshments provided

Parasol unit is delighted to host the London book launch of Maryam Monalisa Gharavi‘s new publication Bio, a hybrid work that re-configures cancelled text and the World Wide Web. The book captures a span of 365 days during which the artist updated the 160-character “bio” section of her Twitter account each day. While tweets are regularly captured by corporate data storage centers this “bio” section remains the only untraceable and non-archived part of the software’s superstructure. “Bio” ultimately left no record of itself, complicating the normative binaries of online/offline and digital/print.

In addition, Maryam Monalisa Gharavi will present a talk on The Artist’s Cancelled Text x Social Media in the 21st Century.

Supported by Delfina Foundation and The Mosaic Rooms.

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