
Image credit: Nadia Berri

Young people


With artist educator Nadia Berri

Saturday 5 May, 10 am-2 pm
£5 per participant Book
Suitable for 15 + years

unCaged is an art workshop aimed at increasing young people’s engagement with contemporary art as well as complement traditional ways of making through a more experimental, collaborative and playful approach. We want to ‘un-cage’ and expand young peoples’ ideas of what art is and show them what it can be.

Young participants will respond to the works in Carlos Garaicoa’s exhibition and experiment with creative disciplines such as movement/dance, photography/film, drawing, sculpture/found materials, written/spoken word and sound. These improvisations will result in an exciting piece of theatrical sculpture which will be performed to the public, family and friends at the end of the session.

Nadia Berri is an artist, artist educator, consultant lecturer who teaches at Tate, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Bow Arts and Frieze and is a visiting tutor at the RCA and Bath School of Art and Design.

The Youth Programme is kindly supported by Cass Art.

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